Lockdown Exercise Routine from Mauritius


Peter Scott's routine from Mauritius

Where I live wearing, it is government mandated to wear masks and currently it is NOT allowed to exercise outside. Pools are closed and beaches as well. Not allowed to run or train on my bike for last 2 months. We will be able to run and bike outside from Saturday, but seems we have to wear masks, or risk a heavy fine. Not sure when I can swim again because the beaches are shut. I can't even walk the 100 yards to the water and get in. Yes some regulations don't make a lot of sense.

I live in Mauritius. 

Last year, March to May 2020, we were locked down then. From June 2021 last year till March 2021, we have been training and competing as normal. No local covid cases during that time. Since Mid March 2021, we are in lockdown due to covid case numbers.

Hi everyone in the swimming community😍
I hope you are all safe and healthy.
We might not be able to swim but we can still exercise at home.
Stay motivated!!
Aim to be BETTER than you ever were!!!!
Here is my confinement training video.
Make the most of what you have, use bottles filled with water in place of dumbell weights etc.
😊 Stay safe😷, stay motivated😊😊

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