When Pots Could Talk (parable)


Dave, a friend on the book of faces, shared this story.

It includes water so it is shared.

I heard a story today:

When Pots Could Talk

A farmer bought two pots and used them daily to bring water back from the river. After years, a crack appeared in one of the pots, and as time went by, the crack grew larger. The pot noticed that by the time the farmer reached his house half of the water was gone. The pot suggested to the farmer (remember, pots could talk) that since he (the pot) was cracked that the farmer should replace him. The farmer told the pot to look around the ground on the trip home from the river tomorrow. The pot did as he was told, and he saw that on the side of the path that the farmer held him, a line of beautiful wildflowers had grown. When the got back to the farm, the farmer told the pot that although he leaked water, the wildflowers that he watered every day brought great joy to the farmer. "I think I won't replace you".

If you have a disability, a limitation, a flaw, you need to know that you are still valuable, there are people who love you and understand that you are not defined by the challenge you face, you are defined by the love you bring to the world.

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