Pleas for story contributions to the Swim Coaches Idea Exchange


Call for help to Facebook's Swim Coaches Idea Exchange

As a on-going contributor to this community, and loving it, I am asking for some specific help from you this week.

I'm glad for the one's getting back in the pool, but we're not. One of my life's biggest coaching challenges comes this summer as I'm leading a swim camp as part of summer school for kids who can't use the pool nor even meet in person. Covid-19 blues.

These kids, like others around the world, have had a rough time in their last months of school. Now they're stuck with more computer time in a summer school camp without swimming.

Help by taking 5-minutes to record a video story on your mobile device and sending it to me ( to share with these 5th-graders as part of our story time at camp. Include some element of water and make it positive, fun, entertaining, and we'll be thrilled.
Can you share a 5-minute story with me for our kids? Furthermore, I'll share out what is gathered for others to use too.

The camp is with inner-city kids. One aim is to widen perspectives. So meeting people from around the nation and world and knowing that people care enough to share their experiences with them is wonderful.

Dream up a story with a beginning, middle and end. No TED Talk nor slide show nor lecture -- but just an entertaining story, recorded straight. We'll listen to it, un-pack it, research the terms and such -- and if possible, craft some follow-up questions and might be able to have you back with us in a live video chat too. Then you'll get to meet our kids as well.

I don't think we can do exercises like the photo shows, for 27-days, 1-hour per day, with our Summer Dreamers.

arm exercise by Summer Dreamers

Summer Dreamers includes exercise moves too.

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