Touching base with a request for help with to USA Swimming DEI


Touching base with a request of

Email sent on June 14, 2020 to USA Swimming's MJ and the HQ

Hi MJ and other friends of swimming,

Thanks for the attention and letter with the Black Lives Matter topic(s) and the efforts with diversity in swimming.

I've been working in Pittsburgh, PA, with some different approaches that, IMHO, have a great deal of merit. These approaches need to get some traction on a larger platform in the months to come. Perhaps a SwimBiz feature would make good sense.

But now, I'm calling for some help with a summer program that goes throughout July -- with Pittsburgh Public Schools and 5th graders -- a cyber swim experience. 

More details at

I'm seeking 5-minute video stories to share with the students as part of our camp's "story time" segment. Can you record a story on your mobile phone for us? Then, in the camp we'll watch it, discuss it, and hopefully be able to craft follow-up questions and have the story-teller come to visit our camp via a Microsoft TEAMS video conference call. 

But first, we need stories. No TED Talks, no slides, no lecture needed. Just a story with a beginning, middle and end.

Thanks for the consideration.

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